Welcome to

MyNUCALA is here to help show you the way.

You and your doctor have taken an important step by choosing NUCALA.

From your first dose through your continued treatment plan, we’ll help walk you through how NUCALA works.

You’ll learn about how to inject at home if you and your doctor determine it’s right for you, and about insurance coverage. If you have questions, our nurses* are here to guide you.


Stay on your way with MyNUCALA.

*MyNUCALA personnel do not give medical advice, and will direct you to your healthcare provider for any disease-, treatment-, or referral-related questions.

NUCALA targets eosinophils, but what exactly does that mean?


What are eosinophils?
Eosinophils [ee-uh-sin-uh-fils] are white blood cells that are a normal part of the body’s immune system.

How do eosinophils play a role in severe asthma?
Too many eosinophils may lead to inflammation in your lungs. Inflammation can cause severe asthma attacks

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NUCALA reduces eosinophils
NUCALA is not a steroid like prednisone. It is designed to reduce the number of eosinophils in your blood. The mechanism of action of NUCALA is not fully understood.

Reducing the number of eosinophils in your blood may help reduce airway inflammation
NUCALA helps you gain asthma control and helps reduce your use of oral steroids like prednisone.
It’s important to receive your injection of NUCALA once every four weeks as prescribed, even if you’re feeling better.
Results may vary.

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A NuNormal can mean a powerful reduction of oral steroids.
Taking daily oral steroids, such as prednisone, may be needed when treating asthma. Reducing long-term oral steroid use may be part of a severe asthma treatment goal, but you and your doctor are in the best position to decide what is right for you.

NUCALA targets eosinophils, but what exactly does that mean?


What are eosinophils?
Eosinophils [ee-uh-sin-uh-fils] are white blood cells that are a normal part of the body’s immune system.

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Eosinophils play a role in nasal polyps
When you have CRSwNP, there is inflammation in your nasal passages. Eosinophils, a type of white blood cell, play an important role in this inflammation. Because surgery doesn’t eliminate this inflammation, the nasal polyps can come back.

Nasal polyps coming back?
Most nasal polyps have high numbers of eosinophils in addition to other types of cells. Nasal polyps with high eosinophils have a greater chance of returning after surgery.

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NUCALA specifically targets eosinophils
NUCALA is not a steroid, like prednisone; it’s a biologic. NUCALA is the first approved treatment that specifically targets eosinophils, a source of inflammation in nasal polyps. It reduces the number of eosinophils in the blood. It is not fully understood how NUCALA works.

NUCALA targets eosinophils, but what exactly does that mean?


What are eosinophils?
Eosinophils [ee-uh-sin-uh-fils] are white blood cells that are a normal part of the body’s immune system.


How do elevated eosinophils play a role in EGPA?
When you have EGPA, your blood eosinophil count is elevated. Elevated eosinophils in your blood can lead to inflammation.

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NUCALA specifically targets eosinophils
NUCALA is not a steroid like prednisone. It is the first approved treatment for patients with EGPA that targets eosinophils. It reduces the number of eosinophils in the blood. It is not fully understood how NUCALA works.

NUCALA targets eosinophils, but what exactly does that mean?


What are eosinophils?
Eosinophils [ee-uh-sin-uh-fils] are white blood cells that are a normal part of the body’s immune system.


How do elevated eosinophils play a role in hypereosinophilic syndrome?
When you have HES, your blood eosinophil count is elevated. Elevated eosinophils in your blood can lead to inflammation.

Target Goals Icon

NUCALA specifically targets eosinophils
NUCALA is not a steroid like prednisone. It is the first approved treatment for patients with HES that targets eosinophils. It reduces the number of eosinophils in the blood. It is not fully understood how NUCALA works.

How you can prepare for your next injection

Now that it’s almost time for your next injection of NUCALA, let’s get prepped for a positive experience. If you’re feeling a little nervous or anxious, we’re here to help. Check out the helpful tips below to get ready for administration at home or in your doctor’s office and have a successful injection.


At Home

When it comes to injecting yourself, it’s natural to have concerns. If injecting makes you a bit nervous or even very anxious, there are ways to help make self-injecting easier to deal with. It’s a great idea to take some time up front to learn more about self-injecting.

There are several resources available to you to help you refresh your self-injecting skills. While your doctor is always your best resource, you can also reference the Instructions for Use that come with each shipment, the self-guided ‘how-to’ videos, or the injection training kit you should have received.

Did you know that it’s impossible to be relaxed and in fight-or-flight mode at the same time? It’s true! If your body is fully relaxed, it won’t send those signals that make you feel nervous. But how can you make yourself relax when you’re feeling nervous?

TAKE ACTION: Practice relaxation

Search online for sites that talk you through progressive muscle relaxation step by step. There are also many free apps you can download to help you identify ways to stay calm and focus on you.


At your doctor’s office

Use the time with your doctor as a check-in, not just your next treatment appointment. As you wait in the lobby, think through how you felt at your last visit. Has anything changed? Have you noticed anything different? Even the slightest change in your activities may be relevant to let the doctor know.

Make a journal. Keep it simple when trying to identify what you are feeling. While this may seem time consuming now, as you reflect it can help both you and your doctor identify changes.

Make sure you have allowed yourself enough time. Getting to the office, waiting, getting the injection, and then needing to stay afterwards to monitor for any serious allergic reactions should all be considered in your day. Don’t rush it. Block your calendar or schedule your appointment on a day that is more flexible for you.

“Every day may not be good, but there is something good in every day.” – Unknown


Have you and your doctor changed how you take NUCALA?

If you’ve changed the way you get your injections of NUCALA, let us know. We can send you support and information tailored just for you.

Staying On Track


On your road with treatment, you may come across a few challenges.

Rest assured that we’re here to provide support so you can stay motivated at every step. Try some of our tips below to help on your treatment journey.

  • Sharing your thoughts and feelings can be a big help to your healthcare team. Think about how your treatment or condition is affecting you and talk about it with your doctor at your next visit.
  • Sometimes people feel embarrassed when bringing up topics with their healthcare team. Your healthcare team has heard it all. The most important thing is that you speak up, even if it is hard to discuss out loud. To help start the conversation, try sending your healthcare team a message in your healthcare portal or writing down your thoughts before your next appointment.
  • Use a calendar or checklist to help remember when to take your medications. Writing it down, setting electronic reminders, asking others to help you remember, or using an app are some of the options available. Build a custom reminder system that works best for you.

MyNUCALA Support

The MyNUCALA Nurse Support* team is here to guide you when you need them.

Call 844-4-NUCALA (844-468-2252) Monday – Friday, 8 AM – 8 PM ET

*MyNUCALA personnel do not give medical advice, and will direct you to your healthcare provider for any disease-, treatment-, or referral-related questions.


Patient Advocacy Groups

Looking for more support? Check out this list of organizations who help support patients and their families.

The right support is important to your treatment 


There are different types of support, and all are valuable. In your personal life, think of a time you needed support and you got it. What kind of support did you need? Who supported you? What happened? How did you feel?

Along with the help of your doctor, it’s good to know you have support.

Tangible, emotional, informational, and companionship support can bring you closer to the people you love. Scroll down to take a closer look at each.

You may also feel…

Something you may also be feeling is that you’re not giving as much as you would like. Stopping activities early, taking frequent breaks, or missing out completely can lead to some negative feelings. The good news is that just a little work can help you find your way out of this situation. Let’s start by learning more about support!

Four kinds of support

Scientists have found that there are four types of support that people receive in their relationships. And all four are of equal value—one is not better than another.

Tangible Support: Actual, physical things done for someone
Tangible support includes preparing a meal for someone, doing their laundry, taking them to an appointment, etc.

Emotional Support: “Invisible” things done by people who care about you
Emotional support is given when someone listens to us talk about a problem, help us sort through painful emotions, or let us just “vent.”

Informational Support: The things loved ones do to help you solve problems
You’re receiving informational support when someone recommends an affordable lawn service or shares an interesting article.

Companionship Support: Simple, yet valuable, support by just being there
Companionship could mean someone sitting with you while waiting for medical test results, watching TV together, or just reading or dozing together.

MyNUCALA personnel do not give medical advice, and will direct you to your healthcare provider for any disease-, treatment-, or referral-related questions.

Now it’s your turn

It’s time for you to check in with yourself. Understanding how you feel about the support you have now can help you get more in the future. Think about how people in your life have given you the different kinds of support. Select the option that best describes you.

Are you happy with the amount of Tangible Support you receive?

Are you happy with the amount of Emotional Support you receive?

Are you happy with the amount of Informational Support you receive?

Are you happy with the amount of Companionship Support you receive?


All kinds of support are valuable

This is an important lesson to learn. If you get caught in the trap of thinking that only tangible support is valuable, you may end up in a bad place. You could feel like you’re constantly “owing” your loved ones. You might feel like a burden. You might even feel like your loved ones will abandon you. These feelings can lead to anxiety, sadness, and distress.

But when you understand how relationships really work—and understand that support in relationships is so much more than doing stuff—you can change the way you feel about them. You can begin to see that you are both receiving and giving in your close relationships. And you might even appreciate yourself and your loved ones more fully!

Keep The Conversation Going


When talking to your doctor about your condition, it’s important to share your feelings. At your next visit, be prepared to talk about how you’re really doing physically, emotionally, and mentally. Any changes to your symptoms are critical to your treatment plan. Talking about your symptoms and their impact on your life can help you become a better partner in your treatment.

Your doctor needs to continually know how you feel. They are there to help you.


Questions For Yourself

You might forget something you wanted to discuss when you arrive to your doctor's office. Also, it is natural to have questions any time you start a new medication. Make sure to work with your doctor to get the answers you need. Ask yourself the following questions and write down your answers. Share them with your doctor at your next appointment.

“Have my symptoms changed since my last doctor’s visit?”
“What exactly are my symptoms?”
“How often do I experience symptoms?”
“Is there something I do that makes my symptoms better or worse?”
“Do my symptoms affect my daily activities? Which ones and how?”

Questions For Your Doctor

Be prepared for your next visit with your doctor. Write down any questions you may have beforehand and be sure to discuss them. Here are some ideas to help you get started. Talk about them with your doctor at your next appointment.

“Am I using my medication correctly?”
“What should I do if I feel my symptoms worsening?”
“What medications should I consider?”


MyNUCALA Support

The MyNUCALA Nurse Support* team is here to guide you when you need them.

Call 844-4-NUCALA (844-468-2252) Monday – Friday, 8 AM – 8 PM ET

*MyNUCALA personnel do not give medical advice, and will direct you to your healthcare provider for any disease-, treatment-, or referral-related questions.

NUCALA is a biologic. What does that mean?

Biologic Products

Biologic products often represent contemporary biomedical research. They can be composed of sugars, proteins, or nucleic acids or complex combinations of these substances.

Most biologics are complex mixtures that may be used to treat medical conditions.

Biologics are processed by the body differently than oral or inhaled medications and are often available through specialty pharmacies.

At home
Doctor's Office

NUCALA is injectable and is given either at home or in your doctor’s office—work with your doctor to see which is better for you.

Taking NUCALA at home

At Your Home

Taking a biologic treatment might be a first for you—same for at-home injections. That’s why MyNUCALA is here to help show you the way!

Your doctor will teach you how to inject properly and monitor for allergic reactions. Sometimes, serious allergic reactions, including anaphylaxis, can occur hours or days later. Then you should be able to do it in the comfort of your own home with the NUCALA Autoinjector.

If you need to review the process, we can help you one of three ways:

  • Read
    Download our printable instructions
  • Watch
    Visit for a how-to-use video
  • Talk
    After your doctor teaches you how to use the NUCALA Autoinjector, the MyNUCALA Nurse* Support Line is available to walk you through live training for your first at-home injection and each one that follows until you have the hang of it.

For ages 12 and older.

*MyNUCALA personnel do not give medical advice, and will direct you to your healthcare provider for any disease-, treatment-, or referral-related questions.


Taking NUCALA at your doctor’s office

At Your Doctor’s Office

If you receive your NUCALA injections at your doctor’s office, here's what to expect:

  • Your healthcare professional will prepare your injection that you will receive just underneath your skin (subcutaneously).
  • After your injection you may be asked to stay in the office so your doctor can monitor you for any allergic reactions, including anaphylaxis. Sometimes serious allergic reactions can occur hours or days later.
  • Continue to talk to your doctor about how you are feeling and even small changes you recognize in your day-to-day.
MyNUCALA Nurse Support Line

Speak to a Nurse *

Call Your Doctor

Or Call:

844-4-NUCALA (844-468-2252)

Monday – Friday, 8 AM – 8 PM ET

*MyNUCALA personnel do not give medical advice, and will direct you to your healthcare provider for any disease-, treatment-, or referral-related questions.

Stay on schedule! Setting a monthly routine can be easy.

Set a Monthly Routine

With the easy-to-use Autoinjector, you and your doctor can decide if using the NUCALA Autoinjector at home would be convenient for you.

See full Instructions For Use.

Before you start, pick a day of the week that works for you. That way, you can easily keep track of when your next treatment should be taken 4 weeks later.

More tips for keeping a schedule:

  • Use your smart speaker to set a reminder
    You can also tell it to schedule a reminder 28 days later!
  • Write it on your calendar
    Grab a red marker and write an “N” for NUCALA every 4 weeks.
  • Pair it with your pet!
    Does your dog take monthly heartworm medicine? Keep on the same schedule to have a “medication moment.”

For ages 12 and older.

You can be proud of how you’ve stuck to your treatment plan with NUCALA

Keep up the good work

Way to go!

Keep up the good work and stay on top of your once-every-4-week injection. As you continue taking NUCALA, remember to keep talking with your doctor about how you feel. Be sure to set goals to better manage your asthma!

In a study of severe asthma patients taking NUCALA:

53% Fewer Asthma Attacks in NUCALA Patients

Fewer asthma attacks in NUCALA patients.†‡

Up To 75% Fewer Asthma Attacks in NUCALA Patients with Higher Eosinophil Levels

Fewer asthma attacks in NUCALA patients with higher eosinophil levels.‡§

Proven to Reduce Severe Asthma Attacks Requiring Hospital or ER Visits by 61%

Fewer severe asthma attacks requiring hospital or ER visits in NUCALA patients.†‡

*When NUCALA was added to current asthma medicines.
† Compared to those not taking NUCALA.
‡ In a clinical study of patients with ≥150 cells/mcL blood eosinophils (a type of white blood cell).
§ A trend of greater reduction in asthma attacks in patients with increasing blood eosinophil levels, including a 75% reduction in patients with higher eosinophil levels (≥500 cells/mcL). Based on limits of the analysis, results are descriptive, and your experience may differ.

MyNUCALA Nurse Support Line

We’ll be reaching out!

Watch for a call from a MyNUCALA nurse* to check-in with you to make sure any questions are answered and you have the information you need before your next dose.

*MyNUCALA personnel do not give medical advice, and will direct you to your healthcare provider for any disease-, treatment-, or referral-related questions.

Why health journaling can be important when you have a chronic illness.

Treatment Plan

As you continue your treatment plan with NUCALA, it can help to remember why you’ve chosen to go on this journey.

One way to stay focused and aware of how your condition and its treatment are impacting you is through health journaling.

Consider how health journaling can help you talk to your doctor.

What is health journaling?

Sometimes called a “health diary,” your health journal is a complete, detailed record of your personal health experience.

How can health journaling help me manage my chronic illness?

  • Can help you keep track of appointments and your treatment schedule.
  • A good way to give your healthcare team a picture of your condition.

Wondering how to start? Keep reading!

  • Find a format that works for you — electronically, an app, or an actual journal.
  • Start with your health history — as much as you can recall. Also describe how you felt when you started NUCALA.

That’s it! Keep health journaling as part of your schedule. It will give you a chance to reflect on your experience.

Interested in sharing your NuNormal story?

We’d love to hear from you!

MyNUCALA Nurse Support Line

Call 844-4-NUCALA

Monday – Friday, 8 AM – 8 PM ET

Join our Mobile Program.

Mobile Reminder Program